About Me


My name is Christine — I’m an amateur patisserie, ever in training, always working hard at honing my skills!

I’m currently living and baking in the glorious (and fiercely competitive) west coast foodie haven of Vancouver, Canada.

My favourite foods are French, Japanese, and Indian cuisine, and love to incorporate their flavours and influences into the food I make.

I love full-bodied red wines and dark, malty beers. My favourite sweet things to indulge in are cookies. I’ve been blessed with an excellent nose and a precise palate, but it’s only been within the last couple years or so that I’ve decided to put them to work!

I’m currently trying to update this blog at least twice per week with tasty recipes and inspiration — if I don’t think it’s worth making, then I won’t post about it!

Despite my technological impediments (read: no stand-mixer of my own, arrgh!) I do a lot of baking and in my teeny-tiny kitchenette (it has about 4 square feet of counter space — no joke!) with the magic of science.

Baking is totally science… and art. But mostly science.

Feel free to ask me any questions, leave comments, and definitely tell me what you think if you try out a recipe!

♥ e-mail: christine [at] angrycherry [dot] com